Make your fundraiser EASY with us! The Suburb's FAVORITE BBQ restaurant, Hawthorne's Backyard Bar and Grill, is also where you can find all of your fundraising needs! Non-profit groups can hold their event at our restaurant with no worries! 15% of the proceeds will be donated to your organization. It's a fun way to bring people together and have a great time while enjoying the best food in West Chicago!
Here's how it works...
Contact Hawthorne's Backyard and speak with a manager to pick a date. We ask events to be set up 30 days in advance and to be held Monday through Thursday.
Complete this fundraiser agreement in it's entirety and return it to the manager for processing.
We will create a master flyer invitation and email it to you in order for you to make copies and hand out.
Now, hand out as many flyers as possible! Give them to family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, ect. The more people that attend your event, the more money that will be donated.
Be sure to have your guests hand the form to their server at the event.
Within 4-6 weeks, you'll recieve your check for 15% from the proceeds of redeemed flyers!
What Groups Qualify? Scout Troops, churches, schools and any other organization the IRS considers a non-profit may apply for a fundraiser event. Requests from recreational clubs within the community may apply as well. Please include the group's W-9 tax ID information. See the agreement for details.
So What's the Catch? As long as everyone follows the rules, there is no catch! We want to make this experience as enjoyable and easy as possible. Order yourself some ribs and have a great time, but please keep these things in mind...
Distribution of flyers in the restaurant, parking lot or patio is not allowed.
Coupons, food specials and discounts will NOT be honored when using the flyer at the event.
One flyer per transaction.

Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us about questions you have regarding your fundraiser!