2018 Fall Volleyball Leagues
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2018 Hawthorne’s Backyard
Co-Rec Volleyball Leagues
Fall League Starts Sept 2018
Mondays: 2 Divisions Recreational/Advanced Mixed 6’s
Tuesdays: 2 Divisions Recreational/Advanced Mixed 6’s
Wednesday: 2 Divisions Recreational/Advanced Mixed 6’s
Thursday: 2 Divisions Recreational/Advanced Mixed 6’s
Description of divisions:
All teams are co-ed with 6 players. You may have more than 6 but only 6 are allowed on the court at a time. Minimum amount of players are 4.
Recreational = Players who have limited or no experience playing in volleyball leagues.
Advanced = Players who have experience playing in competitive leagues.
League Fees: $250
All fees are due when you sign up, no sign up sheets will be accepted without the league fee.
Only check or cash is allowed for payment (no credit cards).
Checks need to be made out to Hawthorne’s Backyard.
To sign up or for more info:
Email us at leagues@hawthornesbackyard.com